Your cascade may be created from a variety of materials. Ceramic and fiberglass are among modern stuffs. Iron and copper add a cool bright look. More natural and organic appearance is characteristic for stones and clay. Oriental style likes to use bamboo in the role of both tubes and decoration.
Here is foremost chapter on fountain ideas. We have the best substance for fountain ideas. Check it out for yourself! You can gather Solar Birdbath Fountain guide and view the latest Fantastic Ideas of Solar Fountain in here.
Home water fountain fills the house with music of murmuring water, creates the atmosphere of peace and tranquility. They naturally moisten the air and make it cleaner. According to their appearance water fountains for home can be divided into: narrative and abstract. The first type imitates landscapes, objects, artistic composition. […]
Tsukubai is a Japanese water fountain, which can decorate not only a Japanese garden, but fit well a more common western design. It is good for those who appreciate a natural and laconic elegance of the East and want to add a convenient atmosphere for relax and meditation. The calm […]
Bamboo fountain creates a relaxing mood and has several Feng Shui applications in traditional Asian culture. Indian cane is very often used material in decoration (from home plants to furniture). Tsukubai is a traditional Japanese bamboo fountain, which has been used by Buddhist monks for washing hands. It was also […]