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Pond Fountain Gives a Feeling of Tranquility and Harmony

Ponds and Fountains

Pond fountain produces an unforgettable impression on guests. Be sure to display the new tradition in your area – to throw a coin into the fountain. Fortunately to once again return to this wonderful place.

Solar fountains for ponds are simplified version so well-known fonts of natural stone or plaster. But unlike the traditional fonts, units with solar batteries do not need power to operate the water pump. It’s work is completely independent and provided by solar energy. Features of solar pond fountains using is the fact that it’s pump will only work as long as the sun shines. After sunset, the fountain does not work. Also, the intensity of the sun’s head depends on the intensity of solar radiation. In cloudless weather, a font is working at full capacity.

Pond Fountains with Lights

Pond fountain lights will be indispensable elements of decoration. Backlight for ponds can be underwater and ground. The backlight is very colorful looking in the evening hours. If you want to enjoy your stank, not only during the day but in the evening, then you need to buy a light. There are the usual multi-colored lights and lights for pools. You have the ability to illuminate the stank, rocks and plants in different colors. Almost all of the underwater lights for the mere are interchangeable color filters; it is possible to change them on your own. Fixtures for the stank are absolutely safe for pond’s inhabitants. Choosing lighting for the mere, it is necessary to pay attention to the power and the length of a cable. It is recommended to place lighting in the place where it will cover all areas of the stank.

The installation will rejoice you many years, if you follow the rules of care. In winter, all removable parts should be dismantled, even if they can withstand severe frosts.

Solar Powered Pond Fountains

54 Photos of the Pond Fountain Gives a Feeling of Tranquility and Harmony

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