If the head piece is not enough for you can use other elements for this purpose. For example, it can be a nice stone or a group of boulders of different shapes and sizes. As a rule a small hole is drilled in them for a small hose, which will lead water. Depending on the power of the pump, the water can gush out like a geyser or quietly flow down the walls of stones.
Here is needful clue on fountain designs. We have the best method for fountain designs. Check it out for yourself! You can get Small Garden Fountain guide and read the latest What You Should Know about Small Fountain in here.
Yard fountains are an integral part of the yard if you want to make it nice and interesting place to have a rest at. There are few types of front yard fountains: floating (pontoons or submersible, the basis of their composition is water picture) and stationary (based on a specific […]
Stone fountain is one of the most natural decorations to your outdoor house. The variety of ideas helps to choose the most appropriate option for yourself. They help not only to beautify and revitalize the suburban landscape, but also to create a special atmosphere and microclimate around it. The sound […]
Rock fountain will not only adorn the territory, but also moisturize the air, improve the microclimate in the recreation area. It can be built in the country village style with clay vases, pails, buckets and wooden products or in the natural style; decorate with vertically arranged stones to give it […]