The most common variant is a pond of a strict geometrical figure with a fountain in its center. But it is necessary to remember that jets of water should fall in the pond at a distance of at least 50 cm from nearby plants and furniture. Otherwise the plans will be lost due to the excessive moisture and folding chairs, desks and other furniture will be deteriorated. The most common and practical variant is considered to be the jet type. It presents a jet, which is directed upwards in the air and then it breaks down into many small streams falling down. Electrical equipment for should be of high quality and power. To provide a good work of such a decoration a pump is required.
Here is wanted recommendation on fountain designs. We have the tops sources for fountain designs. Check it out for yourself! You can gather Landscape Water Fountain Parts guide and see the latest Top Interesting Landscape Water Fountains Design in here.
It is common knowledge that water is very important for a growing organism, and a school water fountain can satisfies perfectly this need. Usually, it consists of a basin and a tap with constantly circulating stream. Everyone can bend and swallow the liquid. The advantages of bubblers are in their […]
Diy fountain is a good variant for those, who want to decorate the yard, but don’t want to spend much money on it. It is functional, decorative and has acceptable price. There are two types of fountains: submersible and stationary. The first one is set up in the center of […]
Our days, thanks to ADA drinking fountain guideline, disabled people have a direct access to pure potable water. This organization protects the rights and interests of invalids. One of its occupations is a demand of special bubblers in all public places such as parks, schools, medical facilities, libraries, restaurants, etc. […]