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Facts About Yard Fountains

Yard Fountains Clearance

Yard fountains are an integral part of the yard if you want to make it nice and interesting place to have a rest at.

There are few types of front yard fountains: floating (pontoons or submersible, the basis of their composition is water picture) and stationary (based on a specific architectural composition, such as a bowl). Floating ones are used for installation in ponds, pools and waterfalls. Stationary one is an independent architectural structure, which can be moved without any major changes in the landscape design.

Front Yard Fountains

Outdoor yard fountains can be made presented in different designs: animals and birds (owl, swan, dolphin), fruit, children, angels and cupids, antique sculptures (Venus, Aphrodite), Buddha and many others.

Fountains can be made of ceramics and stone, glass, plastic and even concrete presented in different colors. Of course, it does not matter how beautiful and durable the figures made of natural stone are, but for most gardeners, they are still available because of their price. Figures made of artificial stone – polyresin became very popular in recent years. Products made of polyresin have great strength and durability. They are resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays, and can withstand temperatures up to 180°C.

You can do it also yourself. Despite the style and form, the process of creating this landscape decoration involves several sequenced actions: to prepare the pit, to strengthen the trench, install the basin, pump and decorate it. As a container for water fountains for yard you can use ready-made plastic, ceramic, metal, concrete forms and even large sink or tub, which are decorated with stones, pebbles or tiles.

Tune Yards Water Fountain

This decoration has a peaceful and calming effect. It influences the mood in a positive way and creates a romantic and relaxing atmosphere. Continuous humidification near the fountain will save from the summer heat and it is very favorable for water-demanding plants.

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